About us

Why choose us?

Meir Food Machinery was founded in 1976 by Strull Meir. and the company is considered to be the one of the oldest companies in the field of professional. kitchen equipment.

Today the company is active in the second generation and third generation

Beyond the uncompromising quality of many years of knowledge and experience, One of the unique things about the company is the "family" the family connection within the company

Customer relations at S. Meir Food Machinery is not business relationships but a customer is  becomes a  family friend.

It manifests in everything – from our personal attitude to our mobilization to his benefit in every matter and at any given moment

The company has a large number of customers thanks to the service, quality and professionalism in all stages of customer contact

Every product sold by the company is tested and selected after meeting the following standards:

Safety, quality of materials and their durability, adaptation of the product to the Israeli market and the Israeli consumer, adherence to standard approval, low maintenance costs and competitive prices

The company has a national sales and service system that includes a large showroom in Ashdod and another showroom in Tel Aviv

S.Meir Food Machinery is one of the largest and highest quality suppliers and service providers in its field. Among its clients are the best catering companies, Gardens for events, hotels, Retirement homes, hospitals, Coffee shops, restaurants, pizzerias and more

,We will be happy to answer for any questions

Meir Food Machinery Ltd

לפרטים והצעות מחיר
השאירו שם וטלפון ונציג מטעמנו יצור עמכם קשר בהקדם לייעוץ ראשוני וללא כל התחייבות!